Why you should consider SD-WAN today?


SD-WAN provides optimized application routing to use the most cost effective network at all times. In many cases, eliminating the need for costly MPLS networks.

Network Reliability

Sub-second network failover without the delay of BGP. Failover with brown-outs, before a complete failure occurs.


Lower admin costs and better control, with a level of network visibility that is unparalleled.

Flexibility and Scalability

Redistribute bandwidth to accommodate flash conditions or new applications. The SD-WAN–not a carrier–controls the allocation of bandwidth.
Therefore, businesses can ensure that critical applications receive the bandwidth they require, when they need it. Add new locations in days instead of months.


Encrypted connectivity with frequent key changes at configured intervals.

Financial Performance

Today, broadband Internet performance is often comparable to MPLS. Moreover, internet costs can be as much as 90% less.